Analysis and Simulation of Walking Strategies for Load-Carrying Walking Robots


This paper focuses on load-carrying walking robots, which have to overcome everyday-obstacles like walking on even terrain or climbing upstairs. It will be created various walking strategies and parameters which are important for the evaluation. In addition, these parameters will be tested and evaluated with a special walking robotmodel. The special feature about this walker is the missing knee joint. Instead, there is a prismatic joint at all of the four legs. Regarding this aspect, there are new possibilities in defining and variation of walking strategies, which are shown in this Bachelorthesis. After that, it will be described, how these could be evaluated in the simulation. Multilegged robots are often analyzed in the past. Besides the big range of applications, they are characterized by complex software-, hardware architecture and mechanical complexity. In the literature, legged robots have been used the most in the exploration of remote locations and hostile environments, in nuclear power stations and in search & rescue operations. In this work, the field of robot walking vehicles is expanded to loadcarrying robots, which has to overcome everyday-obstacles. The main task is to create a simulation of a fourlegged robot, in which the user is able to evaluate predefined walkingstrategies from this work. Moreover, problems which are occuring while implementing this software are described and solution strategies are shown and explained with examples.


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